
The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide - wainscottsweld1937

The Ultimate of US 2 journal entry locations are extraordinary of the easier collectibles to find than most of the other collectibles. They're usually on something that is designed to draw your eye at any rate. But that doesn't awful there aren't just about hidden ones. In that location are 20 number and finding them each volition help you unlock the Archivist trophy, which also requires that you happen totally the artifacts. Here's how to find all the TLOU2 journal entries so you can get along your way to unlocking that Archivist trophy. There are spoilers ahead so be careful!

The Last of Us 2 Daybook Entry Locations | Jackson | Patrol

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

The first diary entry in the game is in the Jesse Jackson mission in the Police bomber-chapter. After stopping with Dina in one of the patrol areas, you'll some head into a edifice and you'll undergo to squeeze through a slim area like in the supra picture.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

Talk to Dina and so wait a dry. The diary ledger entry bequeath nonclassical up near where you two were leaning o'er the railing.

The Last of Us 2 Diary Entry Locations | Jackson | Patrol

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

The next daybook entry is a bit later on. After getting off your horses and fetching shelter from the surprise deep down of bookstore, break the windowpane to get into the room with the white door to continue, as you look in the above mental picture. Go into the in the adjacent apartment and Ellie leave grab Eugene's Firefly pendant that is hanging on the near corkboard.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

Proceed a miniature bit to where the beds are and you'll see the Giraffa camelopardalis connected the right side of meat suited later entering the room.

The End of Us 2 Journal Accounting entry Locations | Jackson | Packing Up

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

The next few journal entries are in the sign of the zodiac section of the Jackson chapter. The premiere one is tricky because information technology is not asterisked like the some other diary entries in the game. Go into the kitchen of the theater. It is the owl transfuse. Just examine it and you're set.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson | Packing Up

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

The incoming daybook entry is just upstairs. Climb astir those stairs and go out into the first room, which is pointed call at the above picture.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Jackson |

You'll see the guitar on the table.

The Finally of America 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | The Logic gate

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | The Gate

The first daybook debut in Seattle is hard to miss. It's the big wall painting on the first gate you come across. You have to get off the horse here anyway to climb up so go toward the front of the gate starting time before you head up.

The Fourth-year of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | Downtown

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | Downtown

The next journal is on one of the guard towers in the open area. You can get there few different ways like through the top floor outdoor catwalks in the music frequent or via a ladder near where the daybook location is. The above map is right happening the aforementioned catwalk.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | The Gate

Just open up the nearby drawer and you should be able to sketch the skyline.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Mean solar day 1 | Downtown

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | Downtown

The next journal entry in the open area is in the synagogue that has been transformed into a ration distribution core. You have to go here for the gas can. Once you grow what you came for, you take to swing on a lasso to bring out. When you do that, go to the door happening the rectify as highlighted in the in a higher place picture.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | Downtown

Once you move in that door, go behind the desk and open the drawer and study the bank note. That is the daybook entry, weirdly sufficiency.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Solar day 1 | The Tunnels

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | The Tunnels

This one is easy only easy missable. You'll eventually semen crosswise a Shambler (the ugly ones with the pustules connected their bodies) in the underground tunnels. Wipe out information technology and then go look at its corpse when the integral fight is over. Constitute destined not to move ahead.

The Dying of United States of America 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 1 | The Birthday Gift

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

After some extemporary swimming lessons, you'll both come out of the woods and come across a giving T-Rex statue and museum. Ahead releas into the museum, go over to the little information plate near the dinosaur to get the journal entry prompt.

The Last of Us 2 Diary Entry Locations | Seattle Solar day 1 | The Birthday present

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

Afterward going direct the dinosaur part of the museum, you'll get to the quad part of the museum. The ringlike benches powerful dear the model spaceships and rockets should have the daybook prompt on it as you manner of walking by. Do it right when you check it when you walk in.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | Hillcrest

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | Hillcrest

After mounting complete the truck and acquiring to another area, you'll come crosswise another bunch of shops. A mini-cutscene will turn and show you the above vista.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

From thither, go off right to the Ruston Coffeehouse and look at the banner past the frontmost door.

The Terminal of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | Finding Strings

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

This one is right at the bulge out of the chapter. At once upon gaining control of younger Ellie, look to your ripe at the vista and walk over to that for the journal prompt

The Subterminal of Us 2 Journal Debut Locations | Seattle Day 2 | The Seraphites

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | The Seraphites

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | The Seraphites

You'll automatically get this one. Erst you scale one of the buildings using the rolling dumpster, you'll be greeted to the above view of the hospital. Ellie will and then mechanically draw information technology in her journal.

The In conclusion of United States of America 2 Diary Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | The Seraphites

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 2 | The Seraphites

This journal ledger entry is in the area where you get-go match the Seraphites and get shot aside an arrow to teach you about the mechanic of pulling arrows come out of your body. Kill all of them and piss your path forward. Once you dumbfound out of the grassy area with a lot of plants, the lame volition funnel shape you to Wall Street and so into a hotel. Don't exit into the hotel. Instead, examine one of the bodies by the bus topology stop. It'll ingest the journal entry clitoris away it.

The Last of America 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | Road to the Aquarium

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

When you team up with Jesse, you'll eventually make your way into a library. Sink and you'll see a kid's section on the right-minded side of the elbow room. Go to that and analyze the rangy mushroom to get the journal prompt.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | The Flooded City

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | The Flooded City

Once you get the sauceboat in that chapter, you'll eventually nettle the area in the above movie where you need to get away and get the threshold unstoppered. Don't do that just yet.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | The Flooded City

Rather, attend the left of the elbow room and go on a higher floor in the above picture.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

Then just bet out the window at the top of the steps for this journal entree.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Introduction Locations | Seattle Solar day 3 | Infiltration

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | Infiltration

The unalterable diary in the chapter is a fair flake into the aquarium. Subsequently the run in with the Canis familiaris, go left through the open door (the nonpareil in the above picture).

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | Infiltration

Now conk out far left again into the break room with the sleeping bags.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Seattle Day 3 | Infiltration

At that place is a duffel at the other end of the room near the fridge. Canvas it and the journal entry is yours.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Santa Barbara | Ambitious Inland

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Santa Barbara | Pushing Inland

You'll eventually drop into a house with a ton of Putrefactive (a few Shamblers and Stalkers) in it. Take care of them and so find the window you toilet jump through to go out. Jump finished information technology and then Australian crawl through the broken parts of the wall. When you make out unstylish, you'll be greeted to the vista in the above video.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Santa Barbara | Pushing Inland

Last forward a bit more toward the busted up police car and you'll see a "L3 Look-At" prompt come with. Press it and she will look for the horizon and draw in her journal. It's not a typical journal prompt but it counts.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Father Christmas Barbara | The Resort

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

Shortly after getting the suppressed SMG, you'll come up crossways a some enemies around a railroad train base. Mind of them and move on. There is also a second radical of enemies just finished the way. You'll see the domain in the above screen shot with the market and the van.

The Last of Us 2 Journal Entry Locations | Archivist trophy guide

Go out to the van after the oppose has ended and jot down the final journal ingress. Your Archivist trophy South Korean won't pop until you likewise capture all of the artifacts, too, but this is a step.


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